Do any of you know of a place locally that sells either new or used HP
Procurve gear?

I received a switch today that I had ordered from Newegg, but it
arrived DOA. It's needed for a project starting Monday, so I'm hoping
there is somewhere local that I could pick up a replacement switch.


P.S. OT Penance: sometimes when troubleshooting network issues, it's
useful to be able to ping a host and log the results to a file with
the ping's timestamp prepended to each line.
    $ ping | awk '/^[0-9]+ bytes from / { "date" | getline
pong; close("date"); print pong":",$0; }' > /path/to/file

P.P.S. (more penance, just in case) - The following is assuming you're
using a bash shell, though I'm sure similar functionality is available
in zsh, etc. We have all (no doubt) come to use the linux command line
history. In its default configuration, bash will only log the actual
command issued. While useful, it is very easy to kick your
~/.bash_history up a notch and have it log timestamps for all commands
as well. To do this, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

Then run `source ~/.bash_profile` and you'll be all set.