> Please share your cool and useful commands.

i guess i have many favorites defined via my .bashrc, here's one:

tl foo	#show output of "type", "ls", and show what package defines "foo"

which derives from various definitions via .bashrc:
alias   Lc.='    ls -aFq --color'
        Lu.(){   Lc. -l "${timestyle=$(ls --time-style -d / 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null&&echo --time-style="+%F %a %T"||echo --full-time)}" "$@";}
alias   lu.='    Lu. -v'
alias   Lu='     Lu. -d'
alias   lT.='    lu. -t'
alias   lt.='    lT. -r'
alias   Lt.='    lt. -c'
alias   lt='     lt. -d'
alias   Lt='     Lt. -d'
tl()(tp=$(type -p "$@");if [ "$tp" ];then
      lt $tp&&		#show file mod time
      Lt $tp|| tp=$@	#show inode mod time
      type -a "$@"	#better than "which"
      rqf $tp		#show what package
      type    "$@"
if type rpm>/dev/null 2>&1;then
   alias  rqf=' rpm -qf'
elif type dpkg>/dev/null 2>&1;then
         rqf()(p=$(dpkg -S "$@");[ "$p" ]&&dpkg-query -W ${p%%:*})