On Mon, 3 Oct 2011, Erik Anderson wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Chuck Cole <cncole at earthlink.net> wrote:
>> Are "normal" replies possible from the digest?   Seems better to 
>> disable digest than get these messes.
> +1
> Or at least trim the quoted text to only include the relevant 
> information.

I agree that it is very annoying.  We are lucky that he didn't do it on a 
day when there were 50 messages.  I'm definitely and advocate for 
trimming, too.  If you always quote whole messages, things grow 
unnecessarily large as a thread progresses.  We stored threaded archives, 
right?  If so, we can use search results to look back/forward at all 
messages in the thread, so no need to quote the whole thing.  Repeating 
excessively means too many messages will match a search.

Regarding digests -- I recommend not using digests but using Gmail for 
list traffic.  But if you want digests, have you tried the mime option? 
At least with Alpine (I use Alpine with Gmail via fetchmail/procmail), the 
mime message digest is great because when you open an individual message, 
you can reply to it and doesn't try to include every message in the 
digest, just the one you are replying to.  You can also save individual 
messages out of the digest.  Try it sometime (if it MIME digests are an 
option for TCLUG).
