Andrew :
If your running version 2,7 or later you can.
>>> import argparse
>>> dir(argparse)
['Action', 'ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter', 'ArgumentError',
'ArgumentParser', '
ArgumentTypeError', 'FileType', 'HelpFormatter', 'Namespace', 'ONE_OR_MORE',
TIONAL', 'PARSER', 'REMAINDER', 'RawDescriptionHelpFormatter',
tter', 'SUPPRESS', 'ZERO_OR_MORE', '_', '_ActionsContainer',
'_AppendAction', '_
AppendConstAction', '_ArgumentGroup', '_AttributeHolder', '_CountAction',
Action', '_MutuallyExclusiveGroup', '_StoreAction', '_StoreConstAction',
FalseAction', '_StoreTrueAction', '_SubParsersAction',
, '_VersionAction', '__all__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__',
_', '__name__', '__package__', '__version__', '_callable', '_copy',
ue', '_get_action_name', '_os', '_re', '_sys', '_textwrap', 'ngettext']
>>> help(argparse)
prints out the help library.

There are standard documentation and examples for argparse in the python
standard Libaray

Learning the standard library is essential to well rounded Python knowledge.
Good luck with your Python scripts!
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