Use *free -m* for a quick look at your memory usage

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:          3953       1698       2254          0         90        785
-/+ buffers/cache:        822       3131
Swap:         6015          0       6015

use* vmstat -s* to see if your swapping


 4048108 K total memory
      1747880 K used memory
       866392 K active memory
       560416 K inactive memory
      2300228 K free memory
        93160 K buffer memory
       804660 K swap cache
      6160380 K total swap
            0 K used swap
      6160380 K free swap
        96978 non-nice user cpu ticks
          541 nice user cpu ticks
        44279 system cpu ticks
     10538685 idle cpu ticks
        25511 IO-wait cpu ticks
            6 IRQ cpu ticks
          962 softirq cpu ticks
            0 stolen cpu ticks
       693226 pages paged in
       826457 pages paged out
        *    0 pages swapped in  #not swapping
            0 pages swapped out* # not swapping
      6823749 interrupts
     24520953 CPU context switches
   1299596129 boot time
         4074 forks

Java processes can be passed a -Xmx option.  This controls the maximum Java
memory heap size.  It is important to set a limit on the heap size,
otherwise the heap will keep increasing until you get out of memory errors.
If you are running a custom Java application, check there is a -XmxNNm
(where NN is a number of megabytes) option on the Java command line.

Bash Java command
java -Xmx1G -Xms1G -jar your_server.jar    That would allocate one gig of
ram for Java. (way too much)

I am not a Java master but I hope that helps, Ron
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