On Wed, 29 Jun 2011, Donovan wrote:

> We're doing some video encoding using FFMpeg and we're getting some 
> videos coming in that are rotated and would like to automatically detect 
> the rotation and flip them.  From what I've been able to research, there 
> is a rotation flag/variable in the files that say if it's rotated and to 
> what degree (ie: 90, 180, etc).  I can't for the life of me figure out 
> how to find this info.  I've tried using mplayer/midentify but it 
> doesn't seem to display anything.
> I know it can be done as processing the same videos through encoding.com 
> shows the rotation value but we're trying to roll our own solution. 
> Hoping somebody else has run into this.

Are you familiar with exiftool?  It's a nice perl script that I have used 
often to work with metadata.  I have used it mostly with JPEG image files, 
but it can read, at least, data from all sorts of files.  Here' ssome 


I have used it to change metadata in JPEG files and I would think that it 
can do that for some image formats.

Regarding flipping -- I don't know anything about video, but with image 
files it is possible to do lossless rotation.  It is a little tricky to do 
it, though.  The code snippet below gives a clue on how I've been doing 
this with JPEG files.  Again, I'm not sure how it works with video data. 
I would think one would either have to rotate every frame to truly rotate 
the video.  If the problem is that the software is showing the wrong 
orientation because of some tag, the tag could be fixed, but this presumes 
that the software can rotate the video display.


# Perform lossless rotation of JPEGs preserving all EXIF data.  This
# requires the exifautotran script and the C programs it calls --
# jpegtran and jpegexiforient -- all written by someone else.  When
# the Orientation tag is set incorrectly, this step will do nothing
# and you will have to run the scripts "rotleft" and/or "rotright" (or
# use other software) to achieve the desired lossless rotation.

if [ $has_JPEG -gt 0 ]; then
    exifautotran *.jpg

# update the File Modification Date/Time EXIF field in all JPEG files
# so that it is the same as in the Date/Time Original EXIF field

if [ $has_JPEG -gt 0 ]; then
    for file in $(ls -1 | grep -E '\.jpg$'); do
       exiftool '-DateTimeOriginal>FileModifyDate' "${file}" > /dev/null