On Mon, 11 Jul 2011, Brian Wood wrote:

> Hi.  I've installed cygwin on a Windows 7 machine and have configured 
> ssh on the machine.  I'm able to log into the machine from a Linux box, 
> but am having trouble compiling code.  I run a little .bat file like 
> normal when working on the Windows machine and that outputs it's usual 
> message that it is setting up the enviroment.  But when I go to compile, 
> the compiler isn't in the path.  Perhaps it has something to do with how 
> things are mounted ... C: is mounted on /cygdrive/c/ I believe.  Any 
> thoughts on this?  Tia.

Do you mean that when you are in front of the machine, using it's keyboard 
and using Cygwin, it compiles OK but when you log in remotely and try the 
same thing, it does not compile OK?

Have you tried looking at the path?  That is, have you done this within 
both environments and compared results?:

echo $PATH

One thing I know is that Cygwin recognizes c:/ as the same as /cygdrive/c/
