i want to have a focus on security when i graduate.  but when is it too much
security?   it just goes to show you the importance of backups.  it is like
leaving your car unlocked, if someone wants in they will get in; even in
broad daylight with traffic passing by.  i don't mess around on the
internet, mostly research and email, but when i use bill gates system i seem
to get viruses, rootkits, and to my surprise this year i had a worm (from a
scholarship website???) usually every few months.  i enjoy this sort of
thing because i get bored with computers quickly.  there must bet tons of
compromised computers out there from the average user that hackers use as
drones.  it is to the point that i don't bother with antivirus in linux and
i use clamwin for windows.  never used a mac though i am a bsd guy also.

not really funny, but since we are on a more serious note and i am bored at
home i though i would write about myself.

alright, so a priest and a rabbi are walking past a school playground...
nay, just kidding

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 9:53 AM, Nathan Caza <mastercactapus at gmail.com>wrote:

> > On a more serious note, this is a fascinating read about a real hack:
> >
> >
> http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/news/2011/02/anonymous-speaks-the-inside-story-of-the-hbgary-hack.ars
> >
> > Josh
> Thanks for that!
> I use better security practices at home..
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