I am making progress on configuring a Linux desktop to join the AD 
domain (without likewise-open). Samba "workgroup" needed to be set to 
the netbios name of the server (contrary to a lot of documentation out 
there). I am down to the domain name being listed in upper case rather 
than lower case, as it should be.

./net.samba3 ads join -U administrator -S bbserver.lctn.priv
Enter administrator's password:
Failed to join domain: Invalid configuration ("realm" set to 
'LCTN.PRIV    //YOUR REALM', should be 'lctn.priv') and configuration 
modification was not requested

According to the docs, the domain name should be set to uppercase in 
kerberos, which I thought was where the error message was getting its 
info, so I changed everything to lowercase, created a new realm and 
restarted kerberos, but it still comes back with the same error. I am 
assuming this is a samba problem and have seen some discussion on it, 
but not clear how to get the domain to come back in lowercase.

Anyone have the answer?