Another program, though, that's mildly nefarious, is Daemon Tools. It comes bundled with a program that fires up *after* the installer (or it used to) and it made the user think they had to install it to use DT. I just canceled the installer and it was OK.

Just because the program comes with another program doesn't mean you have to install it. :) 
On Dec 7, 2011, at 5:18 AM, Ryan Coleman wrote:

> Except that you get the opportunity to opt out of that program, this making it bloatware.
> Seriously, guys, this is not some shadow program that gets installed with it. You have the choice to skip that piece of the install.
> --
> Ryan
> On Dec 7, 2011, at 12:44 AM, gregrwm wrote:
>> if it makes unsolicited changes to settings of an unrelated program, it's malware.  and claiming consent via intentionally misleading via legaleze overdose doesn't work for me.  otoh the windoze eula legitimizes malware.  (and Swype changes malware to bakeware!)
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