On 9/22/2010 5:01 PM, Olwe Bottorff wrote:
> I've got someone in EU who wants to send me a zip file of his music. It's all .wav, so it's big: 700mb. Do you know of any good file exchange services that are trustworthy, FOSSy, etc.?
> Olwe
> GM, MN
Set up a cheap VPS somewhere and transfer there (insert file transfer protocol of your
choice) and download when the tx completes. I personally use reliacloud for this since
they give you ample amount of HDD space for the price. 8c (VM powered on) an hour will
give you give you 100GB of persistent storage and plenty of tx speed (Max I have seen was
~10MBps). Ingress transfer is free, and egress is 12c a GB. Keep in mind these are
persistent VMs (opposed to EC2) so there is no loss from shutting off a VM (only cheaper
cost ;-)

This way you also only pay for what you use since you can destroy the VM after you are
done with it and only pay for what you have used (opposed to a flat monthly charge).

This is also a great way to learn a new OS since they have images for all the latest

~Mr. M