Mike Miller wrote, On 08/27/10 15:00:
> On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Mr. MailingLists wrote:
>> dd if=/dev/random of=175MBFile bs=1024k count=175>
>> scp 175MBFile chickenclucker:~/
>> 175MBFile 100% 175MB 35.0MB/s 00:05
>> scp -C 175MBFile chickenclucker:~/
>> 175MBFile 100% 175MB 9.7MB/s 00:18
>> time gzip -c 175MBFile > 175MBFile.gz
>> 12.513s
>> 183500800 Aug 27 11:58 175MBFile
>> 183556808 Aug 27 11:58 175MBFile.gz
>> dd if=/dev/zero of=175MBFile bs=1024k count=175
>> scp 175MBFile chickenclucker:~/
>> 175MBFile 100% 175MB 35.0MB/s 00:05
>> scp -C 175MBFile chickenclucker:~/
>> 175MBFile 100% 175MB 35.0MB/s 00:05
>> time gzip -c 175MBFile > 175MBFile.gz
>> 0m2.552s
>> 183500800 Aug 27 12:03 175MBFile
>> 178393 Aug 27 12:03 175MBFile.gz
>> Interesting results and I learned something new today (I friggan love when that happens!).
> Me too because I don't think I've ever used dd.
> Related question:  I'm pretty sure there's a way to pipe the stdout to ssh 
> and have it transfer to /dev/null on the other end so that you can compare 
> speeds for arbitrarily large transfers without making files.  Anyone know?
> dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024k count=4000 | ssh ...
> I think if you were to make your file much bigger, maybe several 
> gigabytes, you'd see a big benefit of compression.  It's not a realistic 
> example though because your file is just the same null character repeated 
> a gazillion times.  So, on your network, running at 250 Mbps or so, you 
> probably never want to use compression.
> Mike
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at mn-linux.org
> http://mailman.mn-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/tclug-list

I believe that would be:

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1000 | ssh user at server dd of=/dev/null

If you execute a command via ssh directly, it will receive any pipes
that were locally assigned to ssh.

ssh user at server echo 'hello world' > response.txt
This creates a response.txt file on the local system in the current
directory even though the command was executed on the remote server.

ssh user at server 'echo "hello world" > response.txt'
This creates a response.txt file on the remote server, notice that the
entire command was enclosed in 's, including the the stdout redirection.

cat bigfile|gzip|ssh user at server 'gunzip|tr a-z A-Z|gzip' >bigfile.gz
This is a bit ridiculous, but you can start to see some uses for all
this.  Assuming you have good bandwidth to a faster machine, you could
offload some tasks to a remote server.  Of course if that were true, you
would probably be better off with netcat or /dev/tcp, as they don't have
the overhead of encrypting the stream, but you would have to trust the
network they are going over with your cleartext data.

Chris Frederick