On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:58 AM, Ryan Coleman <ryanjcole at me.com> wrote:
> I did stated I was using FreeBSD on at least two occasions.

And sometimes the utilities that come with Linux and BSD have the same
flags...it would appear that this is not that case.  So, you can read
the manual to see if you can find the proper option to mount a file as
a loopback device using FBSD's mount command, or ask someone who is
knowledgeable about that command, or make the attempt with whichever
Linux distro you feel like trying today.
I have a feeling that it is quite possible to do with BSD, but I can't
point you in the right direction for the flags that might work, as
that is outside the scope of my knowledge.  (along with a whole lot of
other things!)
- Justin