Sunny - This Popcorn unit sounds like it would actually be a better  
option. The only problem is it would not play Tivo recorded shows  
unless they were converted. Other than that I might want one of these  
for myself.

Donovan - I might still have an interest in your old Tivo units, but I  
have to check first which units are easily hacked. I believe most S2  
and HD models have a PROM that needs to be modified before any new  
kernal can be put in place, but I think S1 are fine. If it is a  
DirectTV model then that won't work.

Quoting Sunny <sloncho at>:
> I do not know how "cheap" are TiVos, but if it is in the 200$ price
> range, check popcornhour A100:
> I have the unit, and it plays almost everything I throw at it. You can
> add HDD to it for local storage (SMB and NFS servers build in), or it
> has SMB client to play from a local share.
> Cheers
> --
> Svetoslav Milenov (Sunny)
> Even the most advanced equipment in the hands of the ignorant is just
> a pile of scrap.
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