rsync is reliable though, if you do tar over nc I'd make sure to check
some hashes to make sure nothing got lost in the shuffle.

If its local you could actually do rsync without ssh, that is one of
the fastest ways I have found to copy files over.  But if you are new
to rsync test out your commands on dummy directories first and be wary
of the fact that depending on switches can delete files as well.  I
mistyped an empty directory and almost wiped out a bunch of files but
luckily had set it just to demo and not actually do.


On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Munir Nassar <tclug at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 08:22, Raymond Norton <admin at> wrote:
>>> tar cf - . | ssh <remoteuser>@<remotehost> "cd <destination>; tar xf -"
>> This is working fine. I added -v so I could watch the progress.
>> Does rsync copy faster?
> no, rsync has to compare each file on both ends which saps time.
> tar over nc is probably faster still than tar / ssh, dispensing with
> compression and encryption and using UDP instead can get you another
> 10%* perhaps.
> *one of these days i need to run some tests to get a more scientific answer.
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