On Mon, 9 Feb 2009, Bob De Mars wrote:

> They blocked my port 25 a couple weeks ago as well.  I do have a low 
> volume mail server running at home, but still.....wtf.....
> I also called to complain, and they advised that I am a spammer.  They 
> mentioned that is the traffic on 25 drops to a level they consider 
> acceptable then 25 would open up in 48 - 72 hours.  I shutdown my mail 
> server temporarily, but it is not more than 2 weeks latter, and it is 
> still blocked.
> I am going to miss my mail server :(

I believe that they lie to customers about their policies.  They offer a 
service that they do not provide.  They also increased my monthly fees 
quite massively in the past few years.  Maybe the service got faster, but 
I didn't care.  I'd rather have it slower and pay less, but they didnt' 
ask.  So of course I am seeking other providers.
