On Tue, 30 Sep 2008, Max Shinn wrote:

> After all of the dust settled, I would never go with 
> www.thepetitionsite.com again.  At a certain time, it became necessary 
> to email everyone who signed the petition.  There did not appear to be 
> any way of doing this.  After contacting technical support, I was told 
> that the only way to do this is to close the petition and enter a custom 
> closing message.  I ended up prematurely closing the petition for this 
> need.  Very frustrating... At first the information privacy seemed like 
> a really great thing.  The actual printable petition was great too, and 
> so was the ability to allow signers to contact you.  The ability to do a 
> mass mail is so important, though, and I didn't think to look for that 
> before I chose a service. I'm sure you've started your petition by now. 
> For future reference, anyone in need of a petition should look 
> elsewhere.

Strange coincidence: I was going to try to do it today and had forgotten 
until your message came in!

Are you saying that the petitioner cannot see the email addresses?  I'm OK 
with a system that has no automatic way of sending email to the 
signatories but I do need to be able to copy or download the list of email 
addresses if I'm going to contact them.

But if I don't go to thepetitionsite.com, where should I go?
