I had SVN+SSH setup for awhile, but in the end I decided that setting up Apache and DAV SVN was easier than SVN+SSH. I've limited access to the SVN directory on apache to localhost, so clients are still coming in over a SSH tunnel, or you could use https. First, you'll want to get SSH key based authentication working. There is plenty of documentation on how to do this. On Windows, download PuTTY (http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/), generate SSH keys with PuTTYgen, and setup Pageant to start when you log into windows and load your SSH keys. You will want to use password protected keys. Copy your public key to ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your SVN server. Test your setup using putty. You should be able to ssh into the server and get a command prompt without entering a password. Once you've got that setup and working you have to deal with SVN. Are you setting up a SVN repository in your home directory for your own use or are you setting up a repository for multiple users? A personal repository is easy as you won't have to deal with file system permissions. Basically do: svn co svn+ssh://server/home/user/svn/ local_directory A multi-user repository is a bit trickier. It worked best when I created a system group for the repository and added system users to the group, then gave that group the needed permissions on the SVN repository. For a multi-user repository, again I'll recommend the Apache svn_dav module. No system level users are required. Once you have permissions set properly on the repository, a checkout and checkin should work as expected... svn co svn+ssh//server/path/to/svn/repository local_directory I recommend Tortoise SVN (http://tortoisesvn.tigris.org/) for a Windows SVN client. I had little trouble getting it working with Putty and Pagent to do svn+ssh. -- Andrew S. Zbikowski | http://andy.zibnet.us IT Outhouse Blog Thing | http://www.itouthouse.com