On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 9:25 AM, Jima <jima at beer.tclug.org> wrote:
>  I wouldn't say that's the only issue here, actually.  As a matter of
> fact, the domain name wasn't originally (and for many things, still
> isn't) tclug.org, it was mn-linux.org (i.e., the list address we're both
> sending to).  I registered tclug.org years after the fact because
> someone complained at a meeting (at the U, as I recall) that
> "mn-linux.org" wasn't the most intuitive domain name for TCLUG.
>  The "TCLUG founders," such as they were, got that domain so that it
> could serve as an umbrella for any and all (G?)LUGs in the state.  I
> know for a while SCALUG could be found at http://scalug.mn-linux.org
> (although that doesn't appear to be the case anymore, nor the later
> scalug.us).

For me, the real issue is that a prominent figure in our community has
set preconditions before he will meet us.  Forget the fact that LUG is
a common acronym or that GNU/Linux is often referred to as simply
Linux.  What about the Linux kernel running on embedded devices with
few or no GNU tools?  Are we not interested in these?  The common
factor of all of my "toys" is that they are running the Linux kernel,
and I think a lot of people in this group are the same way.

The argument has also been proposed that the Linux kernel would not
exist without the GNU C Compiler.  The truth is none of these tools
(nor even UNIX) would exist without the C Programming Language.
Perhaps we should change the name to TCGLUG: Twin Cities GCC/Linux
Users Group.  That way GNU is acknowledged, but so is the work of
Dennis Ritchie, without whom we wouldn't even have GNU.

In my opinion, a person with manners would have agreed to a meeting
and used that forum to propose a name change and provide a good
argument to why we should bother.  Setting it as a precondition to a
meeting gives Mr Stallman what appears (to me at least) to be a holier
than thou attitude.