On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 tclug at b-o-b.homelinux.com wrote:

> Mike Miller writes:
>> On Mon, 10 Mar 2008 tclug at b-o-b.homelinux.com wrote:
>>> This is a loaded question, and could start a riot / flame war on this
>>> list.
>>> It is my duty to inform you that *best* (slipping into flame retardant /
>>> riot gear suit) OS for this sort of setup would be Slackware Linux.
>>> www.slackware.com
>>> Not to upset the list, pretty much any flavor of Linux will do the job
>>> for you.
>> I don't get "upset" about any recommendations but I have to wonder why you
>> recommend Slackware instead of some other distro.
> I recommended Slackware because I feel it is the *best* as stated above.
> Other than that, it is my favorite.

Sure, but there is probably a reason why you think it is the best.  There 
must be some feature that you don't find in other Linux distros.  No?
