On Tuesday January 22 2008 07:24:26 admin at lctn.org wrote:
> I meant date, not data:)
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> tclug-list at mn-linux.org
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If you don't want to run all of evolution, give Osmo a try.  You can find 
instructions to install here: 

Note that a new version has come out since this was written, so go to the Osmo 
website and get the newest version rather than wgetting the version specified 
in the howto.  Once you've installed all the dependencies listest, it 
compiles with no problems.  Once you've got it compiled, you can have it come 
up on startup by adding it to "System > Preferences > Sessions".

Please note that Osmo is in development and you may encounter bugs.  I haven't 
yet, but I only use it on my spare laptop so I haven't really run it through 
the gauntlet yet.
