must be something going around in the past few months.  I had similar
experience with these guys:

i was trying to buy a "linux-fish" for the rear of my car.


On 1/15/08, Mike Miller <mbmiller at> wrote:
> Below is what I had to say to Aztekcomputers.  They had the lowest price
> for an item that seemed hard to find and they claimed to have 6 in stock.
> Maybe they were just phishing for my data:
> Please cancel my account and remove any information about me from your
> system.
> I am doing this because you got my information under false pretenses. You
> claimed to have six monitors in stock of a certain brand at a certain
> price.  I ordered two of them and was made to wait for three weeks while
> you played around pretending to try to get them for me.  You told me you
> would get back to me in 24 hours after my first call, but you didn't do
> that.  I called a week later only to be told that you would never get
> these monitors for me.
> Therefore, I will never order another thing from Aztekcomputers nor will I
> recommend Aztekcomputers to anyone else.  I do not want you to have my
> personal information.  Remove it from your system or I will have our
> Attorney General on your case.
> Michael B. Miller
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> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at