On Jan 10, 2008 9:51 AM, Mike Miller <mbmiller at taxa.epi.umn.edu> wrote:

OK, I just had to see how awful this would be in Perl.  Not too awful:

% perl -MFile::Find::Rule -MList::Util=min -le 'print min map -M,

This is the number of days that have passed since the most recent file
modification.  Other variations can be had by changing out "-M" (see perldoc
-f -X) and min/max.  File::Find::Rule also permits conditional chaining.
One problem with this is that File::Find::Rule isn't generally part of the
Perl core.

Here's a variant that prints the date of the most recent file:

% perl -MFile::Find::Rule -MList::Util=max -le 'print scalar localtime(max
map { (stat($_))[9] } find->in("."))'
Thu Jan 10 12:18:42 2008
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