On Thu, 2008-02-28 at 20:19 -0600, Mike Hicks wrote:
>         EXEC_DIR="$(builtin cd "${0%/*}" && builtin echo "$PWD")"

The only problem I've found so far is with a directory with a '-' as the
first character.  'cd -' changes to $OLDPWD.  'cd -P' and 'cd -L' handle
following symlinks in different ways (I believe 'cd -P' is the default).

But, in order to even execute when the first character in $0 will be a
dash, you have to start the script with an extra '--', as in:

        #!/bin/bash --

If you want to check for this, then I'd suggest:

        EXEC_DIR="$(builtin cd -P -- "${0%/*}" && builtin echo "$PWD")"

Similarly, you *might* have to pass '-E' to echo to disable some escape
sequence handling, but I'm not quite sure if that's necessary.  Bash's
builtin echo won't ignore '--', but we don't need to worry about
accidentally passing a parameter to echo since the first character in
$PWD is always going to be a slash.

I think...

Mike Hicks <hick0088 at tc.umn.edu>
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