On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 06:09:59PM -0600, Mike Miller wrote:
> Have any of you done this kind of thing before?  Let me know if you know 
> of code for converting scripts or have ideas on how to make the thing 
> below do more or work better.

I don't know about your scripts, but most of the ones I write have a bunch
of if statements and cases in them.  Such statements can be a bit tricky in
bash at first due to all of the implicit typing.  A few pointers:

if [[ ... ]]; # this is a conditional expression


	if [[ $foo == "bar" ]]; then echo $foo; fi

if (( ... )); # this is an arithmetic expression 


	if (( $num < 10 )); then echo "Oops!"; exit; fi

(( )) is also a nice way to do boolean conditions in bash, I've found.
let's say you want to exit if a command has failed:

    mv foo bar;

    if (($?)); then "Couldn't rename foo!"; exit 1; fi

$? is the exit status of the last command run.  If it's 0, i.e. the last
command exited without error, the if will be false.



Gabe Turner                                             gabe at msi.umn.edu
UNIX System Administrator,
University of Minnesota
Supercomputing Institute                          http://www.msi.umn.edu