Hi Tom - I currently live in the Cities, but I grew up in Willmar and
my parents currently live 10 miles or so outside of Spicer. Though I
can't speak to the existance of a linux community in the area, I *can*
say that broadband shouldn't be an issue. My parents got cable
internet in their house in Willmar around '98 or so, and since moving
out of town, have had a DSL line "out in the sticks" at their lake

I'd be surprised if broadband wasn't available in Kandiohi, though a
call to the local Chamber of Commerce or City Hall would probably be
able to clear things up quickly.

Good luck!

On 8/24/08, Tom Poe <tompoe at fngi.net> wrote:
> Planning on relocating from Iowa.  Looking to make contact with members
> west of Minneapolis.  Would like to get a feel for Linux activity out
> that way, and really would like to find a community that's got a
> broadband infrastructure in place.
> Tom Poe, Charles City, Iowa
> _______________________________________________
> TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
> tclug-list at mn-linux.org
> http://mailman.mn-linux.org/mailman/listinfo/tclug-list

Erik Anderson