On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 23:32:54 -0600
"Bryan Zimmer" <bryzimmer at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am an old computer geek (48 years old) who has been Linuxing for
> many = years. I also use a more widely-used Windowing Operating
> system, and = used to run internet servers in a public domain (mail
> server, name = servers, apache, etc) for my own company.


Bryan - I have the following:

(I'm CC'in the whole list in case anyone else is interested if
you're not - I'll give you first dibs)

3 PII (MAYBE P1 but I'm almost positive they are PII) Compaq (I think)
computers - should be fully functional.  My wife used them last year
in a little computer lab she made at her school, but has since
switched jobs and has no need for em.  I also have a couple other
PI/PII CPU's gathering dust.

4 working CRT monitors (all 17 inch I believe) - needs some Endust.

An old Lexmark printer that my parent's upgraded - should still work
though my son may have pulled apart the paper tray.  :)

An old Visioneer Scanner - should still work but may need a little

3 keyboards

Various other odds and ends - old Cisco 978 router - KVM switch I
never found a use for.  I think I even have a 512M stick of some kind 
of memory.

I'm looking to get rid of this stuff though, no charge (unless I have
to drive a long way, then maybe a couple bucks for gas?)  I'd love it
if you (or anyone???) could take the whole lot since I live up by St.
Cloud (work in Delano).
