On Tue, 23 Jan 2007 Dean.Benjamin at mm.com wrote:

> A pertinent article re Solaris v Linux:
> Seven ways Solaris can beat Linux
> Sun needs to make a splash if it wants to win back its Unix OS market share
> by Neil  McAllister / InfoWorld / January 22, 2007
> http://www.infoworld.com/article/07/01/22/04OPopenent_1.html
> 1. Raise Solaris' profile.
> 2. License OpenSolaris under the Gnu GPL.
> 3. Ship a complete, gorgeous desktop system.
> 4. Come up with a killer app.
> 5. Offer hardware support that's second to none.
> 6. Become the OS of choice for developers.
> 7. Virtualization all the way.

Interesting, but as I read it, they have already lost.  Why would they 
want to do '1' if they are doing '2'?  There will be no money in it for 
them.  I would avoid Solaris because they don't have '5,' but why will 
they get us to '5' if they've done '2'?  Again, there will be no money in 
it.  If they had reacted appropriately about 8 years ago they would have 
had a chance on '6,' but what is going to happen now to make '6' possible? 
When Sun produces '4,' will it be open/free or will it be proprietary? 
If it is open/free how will it help Solaris more than it helps Linux? -- 
won't it be ported immediately to Linux?  And if it is not open/free and 
it runs only on Solaris, it had better be absolutely amazing or no one 
will want to deal with Solaris just to get this one app.

I think Sun cares more about their hardware at this point.  Why don't they 
focus on making their hardware work well with Linux?  Most IT pros know 
Linux and the community will appreciate Sun's efforts.
