Quoting Steve Siegfried <sos at zjod.net>:

> Hey, what's the deal with TCLUG email headers like:
> 	> X-Greylist: domain auto-whitelisted by SQLgrey-1.7.4
> and
> 	> X-Greylist: delayed 00:05:08 by SQLgrey-1.7.4
> Seems like some of the folks posting here are more equal than others.
> -S

There was a recent discussion of greylisting on the list not too long 
ago, and you can find out more on greylisting via Google. Basically, 
the first time you send an email you will get delayed until your mail 
server retries, which a spam zombie won't generally do. After that 
first delay and retry your future mail should go through without delay, 
unless your mail system is doing something foolish.

It's nothing personal.
