
I have a server and an workstation, both running Linux.  The uids and
gids match between them.  From the server I am exporting a directory
using Samba, which the root mounts as "cifs" on the workstation.

   mount -t cifs -o credentials=blah //server/myshare /mnt

The server has the unix extensions enabled.

When I list the permissions on the files under the mountpoint,
everything looks fine (files owned by the right users and groups, with 
the expected permissions).

If I try to touch a file in a directory own by myself (user florin), I
get an unexpected

   florin at zeus $ touch foo
   touch: setting times of `foo': Permission denied


   florin at zeus $ ls -la | grep foo
   -rw-r--r-- 1 root   users           0 2007-02-25 16:26 foo

It seems the file was created, but with the root (the account that
mounted the share) as the owner.  I have set "force group = users" in
the smb.conf, so that explains why the group is users.

Is there any way to tell samba to set the owner of the created file
to the user that actually performed the creation as opposed to the
user that mounted the share?


Bruce Schneier expects the Spanish Inquisition.
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