On Tue, 18 Dec 2007, Steve Cayford wrote:

> Mike Miller wrote:
>> [...]
>> I'm getting the impression that package installation in Linux can be
>> pretty haphazard.
> It used to be pretty haphazard. It seems like it's moving toward a 
> pretty consistent standard with LSB and the Filesystem Hierarchy 
> Standard.
> http://proton.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html

Thanks for mentioning LSB.  I was going to ask about that.  It seems 
highly relevant to our current discussion.  It must have been 5 years ago 
that I first heard of it and since then I thought it was being adopted 
widely.  We also have POSIX and SUS.  You'd think these things would 
impose enough structure on the system to protect us from some of the 
problems just described, but I guess not.

By the way, why doesn't LINUX stand for "LINUX Is Not UniX"?  It should! 
(I assume most of you know that GNU stands for "GNU's Not Unix" and PHP 
stands for "PHP Hypertext Processor".)  I hadn't thought of it before, or 
heard it before, but I'm not surprised to see that I wasn't the first:


Linus would have been way cleverer if he had come up with the 
abbreviation, I think, and let people notice the similarity with his name 
instead of just saying that he had named it after himself.
