> Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:13:31 -0500 > From: Jon Schewe <jpschewe at mtu.net> > An example of the recording can be found at > http://mtu.net/~jpschewe/remove_clicks.flac Wow, Jon. That's just awful. The sound seems to be repetitive, but not enough to be easy to remove. It's SO loud and the signal is SO soft that this is going to be MAJOR work. I've tried to do just this kind of thing, and while I'm no professional, it would take me a week to begin to even understand the words. If you just want a transcript, that's one thing. If you want to recover the speech, you are in a world of hurt. It's really, truly, horrendous. I'm guessing professionals would charge you by the hour and still not guarantee anything. Hoping I'm wrong, Chris