On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Mike Miller wrote:

> On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, Jack Ungerleider wrote:
>> On Mon, September 4, 2006 10:58 pm, markring40 at ippimail.com wrote:
>>>> Mike Miller wrote:
>>>> The thing I want to address is the notion that such distribution 
>>>> damages the company that produces the software.  That isn't clear. 
>>>> When a program that usually costs $500, say, is being distributed for 
>>>> free on the internet in violation of the license, many people will 
>>>> download the program for free who would never have paid $500 for a 
>>>> properly-licensed copy.  So, a company that might have expected to 
>>>> sell 2,000 copies at $500 apiece might find that 1,000,000 copies were 
>>>> freely downloaded on the web against their wishes.  But that means 
>>>> that 998,000 more people are using their program than would have used 
>>>> it otherwise.  Are they worse off? Well that depends on how much they 
>>>> sell.  It could hurt them, but it also could help them.  It depends.
>>> Mike I think you've answered your own question.  The company in your 
>>> example has lost $499 Million dollars!!  That would definately hurt 
>>> them. It would not help them.
> Jack--
> Read it a little more carefully.  I said that the 998,000 users couldn't 
> afford the program and would never have bought it.

Oops.  Sorry -- "markring" not Jack!!  Jack had it right.
