On Tue, 23 May 2006 at 11.25.56 -0500, Jima wrote:
> On Tue, 23 May 2006, auditodd at comcast.net wrote:
> > Sorry, let me clarify.
> > I haven't looked into using the EVDO cards with Linux because my company 
> > is a Windows shop and all I've seen is the Windows installation 
> > software.
> >
> > My bad. :-)
> Oh, well, that's a perfectly reasonable explanation.  And yes, as far as 
> I've read, no one's tried to activate one of those using Linux; everyone 
> seems to say "activate it using Windows, then move it to Linux."

One might have better luck with one of the new phones that do both
EV-DO and Bluetooth.  Sprint are selling some of these presently, and
I think Verizon and Cingular (s/EV-DO/EDGE/) are as well.  I don't
believe any activation is required beyond activating the phone qua
phone, although one must have the appropriate data miscellany in one's

I'd not go with Cingular though, as EDGE is roughly ISDN speed, whereas
EV-DO can go quite a bit faster.

Whatever you do, don't end up using GPRS.  SSH over GPRS is the way of
