nick thompson wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Chris Schumann wrote:
>>>Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 22:19:29 -0600
>>>From: nick thompson <nicholas.thompson1 at>
>>>Anyway, any used
>>>shop tips or even if you have one to get rid of...
>>I like Que Computers at 26th and 26th and
>Wow! Thanks for that tip I'd never been there. Cool place. Has anyone
>ever been to a place called "The Box Shop" ? I heard about it from a
>friend but have never been there.
There's a Box Shop here in Bloomington; also one in St. Paul.  They 
sometimes have used drives, but it seems they want nearly as much for a 
used one as new.

Micro Center has advertised some 40GB drives for $79.99, but I don't 
know if that price is still in effect.

I tried to reply to this last night.  Seems it didn't get through...
