On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Don wrote:

> What I would like to do is to run netscape and have another window 
> attach to it so I can send strings into a web site.
> Anyone have any ideas how this can be performed?

What does it mean to send strings into a web site?  Are you using Linux? 
What does it mean to attach a window to netscape?

Maybe you can get what you want by calling Netscape from the command line 
using something like what you see below.  The string might go into the 
URL.  That depends on what you are doing.


# short script to invoke netscape from within pine as a background
# process, so pine can continue.  Only arg is the URL.
# Author: Ed Arnold <era at ucar.edu> , but modified by Mike Miller

  URL=`echo $1 | sed 's/,/%2C/g'`

  if [ -h $HOME/.netscape/lock ]; then
    $NETSCAPE -noraise -remote openURL\("$URL"\,new_window\) &
    $NETSCAPE "$URL" &