This worked after I used Krename to change all spaces to underscores.

for i in `find . -name '*.tar' -o -name '*.rar' -o -name '*.zip'`; do
	echo "$i"

After which running the full script:

for i in `find . -name '*.tar' -o -name '*.rar' -o -name '*.zip'`; do
 case "$i" in
      mkdir `basename "$i" .tar`
      cd `basename "$i" .tar`
      tar xvf ../"$i"
      cd ..
      mkdir `basename "$i" .rar`
      cd `basename "$i" .rar`
      unrar e ../"$i"
      cd ..
      mkdir `basename "$i" .zip`
      cd `basename "$i" .zip`
      unzip -d ../"$i"
      cd ..

Worked with the exception of the unzipping part
      unzip -d ../"$i"

I probably made the wrong command for unzip. I'll look into that.

Notes: I did away with all the .dir ending the mkdir basename; all it
seemed to do was make all my folders have a .dir 'extension' (which
wasn't necessary). If there is a specific reason for this addition
that I'm not seeing, please inform me.

Side effects:
Underscores where spaces should be in folder names.

Not a terribly difficult problem, but if I can work it without having
to rename the files first, it'll save a lot of headache. Ed Wilts was
commenting that to do that I may need something different from 'find'.
Is there no way to work find so that it allows for spaces?
