Large what.. mantisaa or exponent?  Mantissa precision is probably what you
seek.  Many languages have IEEE double precision math available if you "ask
for it" and diligently verify that it's in each and every step.  That should
give about a 64bit mantissa IIRC.

HP calculators have larger mantissa capability than any other scientific
calculators and that's probably enough for your math.  I've done lengthy
calculations requiring one part in 10 million precision throughout on HP
scientific calculators, and that's a  lot easier than programming something
to keep that precision unless it's an automated and repetitive process.
Gotta be real careful that any programming math package may have some
functions that limit the overall precision of the calculations to about 1
part in a million or less.  Transcendentals are usually not very good.
Calculations in optics and some laser work are unforgiving however, and
demand the precision to get any useful result.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: tclug-list-bounces at
[mailto:tclug-list-bounces at]On Behalf Of Tim Wilson
  Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 4:58 PM
  To: Jay Austad
  Cc: tclug-list at
  Subject: Re: [tclug-list] large number calculator

  On Mar 13, 2006, at 4:43 PM, Jay Austad wrote:

    I need to do some calculations on very large numbers, and bc won't

    handle it. Does anyone know if a good tool which doesn't really have

    a limit on the size of numbers that it can deal with? Something

    preferably free, I only really need to do one calculation to find out

    the probability of something, but it's fairly complex and has huge

    numbers in it.

  Python handles large ints pretty well. You could just fire up the python
interpreter (type 'python' in a shell) and start entering your numbers is
regular mathematical notation.


  Tim Wilson
  Twin Cities, Minnesota, USA
  Educational technology guy, Linux and OS X fan, Grad. student, Daddy
  mailto: wilson at aim: tis270 blog:

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