I have this working:

for i in `find . -name '*.tar'`; do
 case "$i" in
      mkdir `basename "$i" .tar`
      cd `basename "$i" .tar`
      tar xvf ../"$i"
      cd ..
      mv "$i" /home/hewhocutsdown/.Trash/

This works fine. I'm trying to tinker with it so that it'll do the
same with .cbt files, except they don't need the folder to be made, in
fact it's counter-productive. .cbt files are simply tar files, and
with the previous version of Gnome I could merely right-click and
extract them, but now I can't, so I may be required to rename the
extension to .tar. (a 'mv' command I'm assuming) but so far nothing's
worked. This is what I tried;

for i in `find . -name '*.cbt'`; do
 case "$i" in
      mv `basename "$i" .cbt` `basename "$i" .tar` # fails
      mkdir `basename "$i" .cbt` # unneeded
      cd `basename "$i" .cbt` # uneeded
      tar xvf ../"$i" # fails
      cd ..
      mv "$i" /home/user/.Trash/ # works

I just need tar to extract the archive in the immediate directory
(there's no chance of overwriting, so I'm not concerned with that) and
then dispose of the archive.

Thanks thanks
