On 06/09 07:52 , Mark Browne wrote:
> Does anyone on the group have any experience with Linux CNC?
> http://www.linuxcnc.org/

I've played around with it, along with a machinist friend. it installs
pretty easy; we didn't get around to attaching it to an actual mill while I
was there tho.

basically there are a couple of different layers; it's pretty well-designed
on the whole.

there's a program that reads g-code and operates the parallel-port
interface(s) to run the machine tool(s). I can't remember the name ATM. this
is pretty much the universal part of it all.

then there's a number of different front ends, like xemc, TkEMC, AxisEMC,
and others, which give you a nice front-end GUI to operate it. I kind of
liked AxisEMC (http://axis.unpythonic.net/) myself; but others are more
lightweight. (you don't need a fancy gui if you're just doing repetetive

Carl Soderstrom