
Thank you for the advice it certainly put fresh perspective on staying focused with my on-going project.

One of the reasons I posted was to see how some of you were using this technology (Ghost Enterprise) and others to clone Window PCs. Since posting, I have followed some of the ideas I have gathered through the responses mail in-box.

Respectively, we are a Windows house, and I shy away from the ideal to  have one million XP installs just because we can have one million XP installs! As all corporations slowly upgrade to newer hardware older hardware begins storing and ultimately forgotten. Well, in my case our department does a lot of research and we are fortunate to use this older hardware. The pain comes in creating projects with the same OS which never really produces any interesting. In short, trying new recipes with the same flavoring! :}

With the deadline approaching I have made great progress and look to have a working cloning system real soon. 

Thanks for the advice,

>First let me say that I agree with the other advise you've been given. At this
>point you need to do what has been asked of you. At a later date you can
>approach your management again with alternative ideas.
>[Creaking rocking chair sound in the background.]
>A long time ago (or so it seems) an IT manager was asked why he bought a set
>of IBM PS/2s instead of the bright shiny Compaq's that were faster and
>cheaper? His answer "Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM." Ten years later
>his replacement was asked why she continued to by Compaq's with their
>non-standard parts and eccentricities instead of the Dell's that were faster
>and cheaper? ...
>You can figure out the rest of this story I'm sure.
>Now back to your question. A story about the Trinity Rescue CD came across
>Newsforge a couple of weeks ago. One thing it claims to be able to do is
>clone partitions including Windows OS partitions. More info at:
>Jack Ungerleider
>jack at
>TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
>tclug-list at

"Great Spirits Have Always Encountered Violent Opposition From Mediocre Minds" - Einstein

"Cuanta estupidez en tan poco cerebro!"