Bob Hartmann wrote:
> Hi! 
> I've been using fluxbox for a couple of years.  I like it, but I'm itchy 
> to try something else.  Some things in fb "don't work" and the basic DIY 
> support/community is so-so.  Gnome makes no sense to me and full-blown 
> KDE is too much of a pig after using fluxbox. 
> I'm asking the list because an sf search on "window manager" gives *3379 
> hits.  *And the first few pages are indeed window managers.  I suppose 
> I'll go look at their home pages, but I'd appreciate any suggestions or 
> capsule reviews from luggers in the TC.  (The candidate must play nice 
> with kdelibs so I can Rosegarden and K3b. )
> Thanks! Have a great day!
> Bob!*
> *

What?!?!  Leaving the fluxbox clan?!

Alas, I've felt the same myself.  I run gentoo so WMs are easy to toss 
in and out, and a few months ago I tested the waters in a few and I 
don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon.

I don't know how you have fluxbox set up, but I've customized mine a 
lot.  My favorite features are the middle click joining of windows, and 
the fluxbox keys file.  I know you can get the keys setup in other WMs, 
but I don't know of any that can join windows like fluxbox can.

One of the replies here mentioned icewm for the switching desktops with 
the keyboard.  I use fluxbox's keys file along with 3ddesktop to 
accomplish the same thing with a little bit of flair.  If you have a 
decent GPU, install 3ddesktop and add these lines to your 
~/.fluxbox/keys file:

Mod1 KP_6 :ExecCommand /usr/bin/3ddesk --gotoright --nozoom
Mod1 Right :ExecCommand /usr/bin/3ddesk --gotoright --nozoom
Mod1 KP_4 :ExecCommand /usr/bin/3ddesk --gotoleft --nozoom
Mod1 Left :ExecCommand /usr/bin/3ddesk --gotoleft --nozoom
Mod1 Down :ExecCommand /usr/bin/3ddesk --view=carousel

Then your desktops are only and 'Alt+[Arrow]' away.  This also works 
great for music too:

Shift Mod1 Right :ExecCommand /usr/bin/amarok -f
Shift Mod1 Left :ExecCommand /usr/bin/amarok -r
Shift Mod1 Up :ExecCommand /usr/bin/amixer -c 0 set Master,0 5%+
Shift Mod1 Down :ExecCommand /usr/bin/amixer -c 0 set Master,0 5%-

You can modify those easy for xmms or aumix too.  There's even a great 
guide for having transparency here

I've searched through a lot of light weight WMs but so far none of them 
have really caught hold.  The only exception I think is enlightenment 
e17.  But I don't think I'd count that as light weight anymore, though 
it is amazing the eye candy they've put in with so little cpu usage. 
Plus the rate they've been developing, I'll be playing duke nukem 
forever on my cell phone before it hits stable.  :(

A few interesting ones I've found have been metisse, and ratpoison.

Though I don't think they're really what you're looking for.  As far as 
searching for new ones, I'd use this list (being a gentoo user of course)
But I'm willing to bet that a lot of the 3379 results are either still 
in development, or only have a hand full of users.

Just my $.02,
Chris Frederick