I was dealing with the same issue and ran across this small, easy to
install Python script:

  Script Kiddy Defence Script

I run shorewall / iptables on FC4 and have been very happy with this
script for over a month now.


On 1/28/06, Mike Hicks <hick0088 at tc.umn.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I finally got around to making an automatic blackhole setup to stop the
> bots that try to SSH into my box all the time.  I'm sure people have
> done this before, but I couldn't find many decent references googling
> around.  So, I figured I'd explain what I did so others can waste less
> time.
> First off, I switched from running the standard syslogd/klogd setup to
> using syslog-ng.  The advantage of syslog-ng is that you can have it
> pipe some or all of the logs that are received into another program,
> which can handle events as they happen.
> I pondered making a utility of my own to filter the logs for SSH login
> failures, but I finally came across a reasonable utility online.  SEC,
> the Simple Event Correlator [http://kodu.neti.ee/~risto/sec/], uses Perl
> and allows for Perl's regular expression syntax, which I'm most
> comfortable with (and when I forget things, I can just do "man perlre"
> to remember).
> Finally, I decided to make myself a simple blackhole script to give
> myself a little more flexibility (for example, I'll expand it in the
> future to have a "whitelist" of IP addresses, so if I'm feeling
> forgetful one day, I hopefully won't block myself).
> I added these entries to my /etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf file, which
> filters my logs and only sends messages from sshd to SEC (my firewall is
> just a Pentium 133, so I didn't want to send everything there):
>         # set up the destination of sec, which uses STDIN ('-') as input
>         destination d_sec { program("sec -input=- -conf=/etc/sec.conf"); };
>         # set up a filter to only pick up logs from the SSH daemon
>         filter f_sshd { program(sshd.*); };
>         # connect log source, filter, and destination
>         log {
>                 source(s_all);
>                 filter(f_sshd);
>                 destination(d_sec);
>         };
> I also created a rule for SEC that will run my blackhole script if three
> failed logins appeared within a 30-second window.  After an hour (3600
> seconds), I run my script again to unblock the IP address (otherwise my
> blackhole chain would probably become very long after a while).
>         type=SingleWith2Thresholds
>         ptype=RegExp
>         pattern=Failed password for (?:root|illegal user \S+) from ::ffff:([0-9.]+)
>         desc=Repeated login failures from $1
>         window=30
>         thresh=3
>         action=shellcmd /usr/local/bin/blackhole.pl add $1
>         desc2=Blackholed $1 for one hour, removing
>         window2=3600
>         thresh2=0
>         action2=shellcmd /usr/local/bin/blackhole.pl remove $1
> I created a blackhole script that would add the IP to some rule chains
> that are already set up on my firewall.  I use the shorewall script to
> define rules, which has a pre-defined "dynamic" chain for blackholing
> sites, plus a "reject" target chain that will sanely react to a variety
> of different incoming traffic.  (I suppose calling it a "blackhole"
> isn't really accurate in this case, since my firewall will generally
> send TCP reset, port unreachable, or other responses when traffic is
> being rejected).
>         #!/usr/bin/perl
>         my ($action, $ip) = @ARGV;
>         if ($action eq 'add') {
>                 system ("iptables -A dynamic -s $ip -j reject");
>                 system ("logger -t blackhole.pl[$$] added $ip to blackhole list");
>         }
>         elsif ($action eq 'remove') {
>                 system ("iptables -D dynamic -s $ip -j reject");
>                 system ("logger -t blackhole.pl[$$] removed $ip from blackhole list");
>         }
> I finished it up late last night, and wasn't quite sure if it was
> working.  I'd attempted to fail SSH logins a few times from a remote
> shell account I have, but it didn't seem to work (maybe I just didn't
> type fast enough ;-)  However, when I woke up today, I was happy to see
> that this setup had added and then removed blackhole rules for two
> sites.
> --
> Mike Hicks <hick0088 at tc.umn.edu>
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