On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Olwe Bottorff wrote:

> Okay, when I use a malloc or alloca, I'm grabbing heap
> memory, but if I just initialize a variable, array,
> etc. and fill it with stuff, I'm using stack
> "automatic" memory, right? But of course a malloc
> inside a function uses heap. And in general if you
> don't know or have big memory needs, use heap memory,
> right?

alloca allocates from the stack as well, like local variables.  Which is 
why it automatically goes away when you return from the function you 
alloca()'d in.

But yeah, if you're allocating large hunks of memory, do it on the heap 
and not on the stack.  The stack is limited (often to only a few 
megabytes), to prevent things like infinite recursion.  Heap is only 
limited by the address space limitations (and the total amount of 
memory+swap on the computer).
