Andrew Zbikowski wrote:
> Back when I had roomates who wanted SSH access to their box, we just
> setup the router to forward some high ports to the ssh port on the
> Linux machine.
> ie:
> Justin's Box was port 1022
> My Box was port 1033.
> Then we just used the wild card option in dyndns, so we were doing
> ssh -p 1022
> ssh -p 1023
> It worked out well enough until you hit a firewall that blocked
> outbound ports. ;)

If you're not connecting from too many places, it is useful to use your
~/.ssh/config file to do something like this: 

host zibby
	User drue
	Port 1023

Then from the command line all you have to do is "ssh zibby".  Similar
things can be accomplished with an alias, I suppose, but ssh's config
allows for other handy things as well..  For instance, I set this on all
my machines: 

host *
	Compression yes
	ForwardAgent yes
	Protocol 2,1

Hope that helps..   Too bad DNS didn't allow for specifying ports, eh?
