Old stuff is so cool,
I have many old processors, sort of a collection, 286, 386, 486, amd486, 
Pentium, Pentium Pro, amd Pentium, and many others. One of these days 
I'll mount, frame and hang them :-)

I've divested most of the old stuff but I do have some PCI video cards. 
Lots of old RAM "LOTS".
I think I have an old internal 14.4 modem.
Heat syncs lots of heat syncs the Pentium Pro heat syncs are great for 
business cards :)
Several keyboards and mice.


Jim Masters wrote:

>Damn and I was gonna offer my just decomissoned yet still rock solid PPro150
>overclocked to a whopping 166.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chad Walstrom" <chewie at wookimus.net>
>To: <tclug-list at mn-linux.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 1:25 PM
>Subject: Re: [tclug-list] May need old hardware
>>Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>  wrote:
>>>Anyway, let me know if you fellow pack rats might have something
>>>along those lines.  You can email me directly, off the list.
>>I want to thank you all for your overwhelming response.  I knew we had
>>some pack rats, but I didn't expect all of the replies I got.  Thanks
>>again!  If this old monster goes belly-up before the College can enact
>>a replacement plan (within 3 weeks, hopefully), I'll definitely be
>>tapping one of your offers.
>>Thanks again!  As I said in some of my replies, TCLUG is an awesome
>>group of people.
>>Chad Walstrom <chewie at wookimus.net>           http://www.wookimus.net/
>>           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */
>>TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
>>tclug-list at mn-linux.org
>TCLUG Mailing List - Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
>tclug-list at mn-linux.org