On Fri, 25 Mar 2005, fci wrote:

> so I am going to be importing several mysql databases into a "fresh"
> server mysql install that already has 40 empty databases for some
> reason.
> my plan right now is to
> cp -R /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_backup (only in case the actions
> following this action fails)
> then go into phpMyAdmin to drop all the databases while logged in as
> the root mysql user(including mysql db).
> then mysql -uroot < new_databases.sql
I use mysqldump myself. It works well and you can change your default
database type or move to a different binary platform without worrying
about compatibility.

I especially like the ability to back all the databases up simultaneously.

Daniel Taylor
random at argle.org
Forget diamonds, Copyright is forever.