On 6/13/05, Josh Trutwin <trutwijd at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I was undergoing my second woody->sarge upgrade -
> after the upgrade was complete I rebooted to find the
> LILO error code "LI".

You don't _need_ to upgrade your kernel but if you do, you need to
edit lilo.conf and rerun lilo.  Sarge will work just fine with your
existing kernel (at least in my experience with a 2.4.x kernel).  You
do need to have CONFIG_TMPFS=y in your kernel though because
/etc/init.d/mountvirtfs requires it.  The system will boot and
function just fine but you'll see mount bitch several times during the
boot process.

I ran into the same "LI" issue when I upgraded my kernel.  I have a
cdrom drive so I just booted an old woody CD into rescue mode, mounted
my root partition and re-ran lilo.

If you upgrade lilo to the sarge version, you need to edit
/etc/lilo.conf; the "install=" section changed.  It used to be
install=/boot/boot.b, now you use install=text (or bmp, or menu)
depending on what you want.

You might want to review the release notes before your next upgrade,
especially the section on "before you reboot":

If lilo worked before on your hardware, there's no need switch to grub
or install Fedora over Debian.  This was my first major Debian update
and I think it was the smoothest *nix OS upgrade I've ever done.
