As a Dad of a 13 year old girl and a 10 year old boy, and as a Scout 
Leader, I have some input.
If a parent doesn't know what to do, they need to get some education. 
I'm a better parent because I've taken
training in how to work with kids. As an adult scout leader I take 
training 2 - 5 times every year. I also
teach new adult scout leaders how to work with kids.

I trust my kids to do the right thing, I make sure they know what the 
right thing is, I set the expectation.
My kids know if they do something they shouldn't, they have a consequence.

Using a Computer use is a *privilege* in our home, not a right.
I'm the only one in the house with any root or administrator passwords, 
the password are very complex
they include extended characters in windows (Alt+###).
If I need to do some administrative work, I'm the only one in the room.
Write up an acceptable use policy for home, *_everyone_* signs it, 
including Mom and Dad.
Include the results of violating the policy including removal of 
computer use or the computer.

Everyone has their own account and they have a password.
    Get rid of that stupid single click sign on in Windows, turn it off 
and disable the service.
The computers my kids use are XP, they are in the "*_Users_*" group 
_/*NOT*/_ the "_Administrators_" group.
    Installing software is something they _*can't*_ do.
    Running administrative tools is something they _*can't*_ do.
    Learn about Group Policy and USE it.
eMail is not an issue as We (the adults) have decided only the adults 
need email.
Instant Messaging is something NO ONE in the house is allowed to do, we 
don't allow it.
Talking to someone should be "talking to them" not "typing". My kids can 
use the phone in the kitchen any time.
If my son or daughter hacked to use the computer to do anything, I would 
remove it for a very long time.

Again using a computer is a PRIVILEGE not a right, say NO and mean it. 
Backup what you say with action.
Parents must be parents, we are not our children's friend, we must have 
rules and live by the rules.

If you don't want your children to drive over the speed limit, *_You_* 
must be the example.

Lastly; I make sure my kids know I love them, I tell them "I love you" 
every chance I get.


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