"Professional". The pricing for home is $10 more than WinME(I forget what it costs because I never bought it), XP Pro is $199 for the upgrade and $299 for the full version. Also both require the online activation (or a phonecall to M$, certainly in an effort to move geeks and developers to linux). There are no server versions, instead there is something called ".NET server, .NET Advanced Server" and not sure about datacenter, and those are due out in Q2 2002. It will be interesting to see what the numbers will be on sales, as everyone I seem to talk to has no plans to upgrade to it in their corp network. (neither does the company I work for) Also, anyone heard any numbers on Office XP? Sales figures seems remarkably quiet on that subject so far... Doug Mike Hicks <hick0088 at tc.umn.edu> writes: > Since Win XP was brought up, I was reminded of these questions. > > What are the different variants of Win XP? I've heard that there's a > `Home' edition that will be sold for about $10 more than WinMe is > currently listed for, and there'll be a `Professional' edition geared > toward office desktops as a replacement for Win2k Pro. I'm sure there's > at least two server variants too.. > > What's different about all of them? I read an artle in last month's PC Magazine about XP and amoung other things, the home version will not have multi-processor support and the pro version will not require the activation keys.